Garden, Plant, Cook!

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Witching Hour Approaches to Ensure Garlic Harvest in the Spring - October 31st

Dear Folks,

To ensure a nice healthy crop of fat, plump heads of garlic to harvest in the Spring (late April  into May) here in the desert you need to have your garlic cloves planted by October 31st.

This gives the garlic all of the winter cold soil and air temps to develop a full head of garlic.  Without the cold, you will get a fat 'scallion' but no heads of cloves.

[I planted my garlic on October 1st and most of the leaves if I held them up straight would be 14-15 inches tall already.]

Plant extra if you would LIKE green garlic through the winter, harvest every other one to give room to the remaining growing plants. You can choose to harvest when they are this tall and/or when the base (clove) swells slightly and feels and looks like a scallion base.

Have a great time in your fall garden!

-- Catherine, The Herb Lady

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