Garden, Plant, Cook!

Sunday, December 27, 2015

My Survey - What Do YOU Want To See More Of?

Dear Folks,

I have not done a survey in a while, so check out the survey question at the top of the side bar and let me know what you want to see more of.  The survey will be open until January 6th, when I will check and post the results (you can see the results when you vote).

If you have some specific topics not listed, by all means email me so I can add those topics to the list of preferences.

catherine at herbs2u dot net

Have a great day!

-- Catherine, The Herb Lady

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judi said...

I would love to see a monthly list of things to plant, either seed or transplant. I would also love to know where to buy some of the plants that you suggest!
thanks for all you do!

Catherine, The Herb Lady said...

Dear JM,

Thank you for your thoughts. I publish monthly lists on the Valley Permaculture Site and from time to time here on the blog. Because I try to keep some separation between where I post I have not, to this point, regularly cross-posted here on the blog.

I also created my wall calendar for the specific purpose of giving folks the tool to have right there in their home, because the number one comment I receive back from people about planting at the right time for the variety to ensure success is "I don't remember to look at the 'book' or 'post' " etc.

As to where to purchase plants. Good question - I will do a short blog post on that subject.