Garden, Plant, Cook!

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Into the 100s and Beyond in the Desert Garden - What to plant in June and July

Dear Folks,

For anyone wondering what if anything you can plant now, try these, going into and through June:

(Pictured is my Stevia (and some strawberry plants) last July 1st.)

June/ July PLANTING (Sowing):

Cucumber, Armenian
Luffa Gourd
Melons, Musk
Peas, Black Eyed
Peppers, Chiles
Portulaca (Moss Rose)
Potato, Sweet
Purslane (Portulaca X Hybrida)

Roselle -- (soak the seeds overnight and get them in the ground ASAP).

Using existing plantings you can under- seed with:

WEEK OF JULY 16TH Seeds Only Planting: Anise; Cantaloupe; Caraway; Chervil; Cilantro; Corn; Dill; Fennel; Luffa Gourds; Musk Melons; Parsley; Peppers; Pumpkins; Squash, Winter

WATERING: Higher humidity can reduce moisture loss to plants, reducing watering frequency, but check with water meter regularly.  It may sound strange but you can over water in the summer even on days in the 100s.

Some plants can go a little dormant in the summer, causing a root rot problem because of the extra water.  Sage is one.  Well draining soil helps mitigate this problem.

ALSO the extra water can deplete the iron availability to some plants (chlorosis) , so ironite or green sand can be used. (Future tip:  cold, damp soil in the winter can also cause chlorosis.)

SUNBURN damage:  Like frost damage - do not prune until danger of sunburn is over - the damaged plant protects the lower growth.

IF YOU are transplanting this time of year use leaf-type mulch to keep the soil surface cool around "but not touching" the transplant.

Give some thought to the beginning of the fall "sowing" season starting in the middle of July and into August.  If you want pumpkins for Halloween or Thanksgiving you have to count backwards 90 to 120 days.

Cool weather loving plants are triggered by cooling soil, the reverse of plants which like their feet warm like basil.

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-- Catherine, The Herb Lady

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1 comment:

Christie V Powell said...

Thanks! This looks really useful. We didn't finish our Yuma garden before summer hit.