Garden, Plant, Cook!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Sustainability and Seven Generations

Dear Folks,

What if . . .

. . . every decision you make, or at least every important decision you make, is considered in the frame of how it will affect your great, great, great, great, great, great, great-grandchildren?

That is the sustainability question called the "Great Law of the Iroquois".

"[it] holds appropriate to think seven generations ahead (a couple hundred years into the future) and decide whether the decisions they make today would benefit their children seven generations into the future." --

So much of our national political discussions in recent years have centered around what debt our grand-children may have, where the jobs are or will be, what is being done NOW to fix the problem of the moment.

In the philosophy of the Iroquois they also looked 'back' 7 generations to see the decisions made that impacted the present generation.

I have questions for myself and society:

If a job is created to fill an immediate need (food on the table etc.) will that job ultimately do more harm than good in the long run?  To the person, their family, the environment, town, society?

Is more really less?  Supersized foods, drinks, plates, vehicles -- goods sold to make us feel successful?  What is the legacy to our future and that of our children and community?

Are we 'entitled' to anything more than real opportunity (every person having the same / equal opportunities for education and work)?  Encouragement is the second rung of the opportunity ladder.

Do we require more ethics of corporations and companies than ourselves?  If I am an ethical person, do I ignore unethical actions?  How do you teach a child ethics without following them personally and professionally?

To criticize without offering a solution which is "doable" is merely to seek to control while offering no sustainable benefit.

To accept at face value, without question, ANY statement, product, or view, of a company or person holding themselves out as authorities and experts, is to give up all or most of our quality of life and that of our family and community to 'others.'

When we stopped growing and making many of our own necessities, to free up time for more education, work and recreation, what did we discard along the way?  Real opportunity?  And, maybe, just maybe we gave up real control of our lives in return for a list of desires manufactured and presented to us as 'entitlements.'

Maybe it is time to put our collective hands back into the dirt, to reconnect with the meaning and focus of our lives and that of our family and community, and the next seven generations.

Gardening is not only good for you - it is healthier -- from digging to harvesting.  Nice blog on the subject.

Permaculture College Australia

I think there is certainly a genetic link for many of us to the soil and dirt.  Reconnecting to the link is a way to step back from 'modern life' and view our home, family and community in all of its wonderful kaleidoscope and look for the real vs. the illusion of what we want and how to get there.  And, the decisions we make, whether we consider it or not, WILL affect the next seven generations, and beyond.

. . .

What can you plant now?

Going into June --
Cucumber, Armenian
Luffa Gourd
Melons, Musk
Peas, Black Eyed
Peppers, Chiles
Portulaca (Moss Rose)
Potato, Sweet
Purslane (Portulaca X Hybrida)

Using existing plantings you can under- seed with:

Happy Gardening!

-- Catherine, The Herb Lady

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