Garden, Plant, Cook!

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Garden Photos as we Shift Seasons - Reminder - Don't forget to sign up for the Workshop

Dear Folks,

My sugar peas are going through the seasonal transition now as we head into the warmer weather.  The drying pods will be harvested to have seeds to sow next fall.

I am particularly pleased with my decision to densely plant these delicious veggies.  Once they got going flowering and producing pods, I could go out regularly and pick for fresh to cook with.  Oh joy!  And some of the vines on my wire fencing are taller than I am!

AND we can still do that.  The older vines are drying but there are newer ones (I planted in a couple of different time periods) are still producing tender pods or I can shuck some for soups etc.

So hoping for a couple more weeks of sweet and delicious sugar peas!

On other "hoping" in the garden, my oldest Mango has a lot of flowers and I'm hoping she is stable enough to give me fruit!  And that is just one side of the tree.  Lots of nasturtiums around the plants - good pests deterrent.

I am so looking forward to mangos from our tree(s) [I have one I started from seed and it is healthy but taking its time growing.]


The Grow Your Own Food Workshop starts April 3rd.

If you sign up before the start date you will receive 2 bonus booklets

Over 15 Expert Gardeners teach (I am one of the presenters):

Seed Saving
Companion Planting
Vertical Gardening
Growing Herbs
Raised Bed Gardening
Gardening Basics
Basics of Organic Gardening
Growing 3 Medicinal Herbs
Growing A Year's Worth Of Food
Growing Tropical Plants
Which Gardening Method Is Best For You
Getting Started With Hydroponics
Starting Seeds Indoors…and MORE!!!

Registration is FREE! Follow the link to reserve your seat today and learn how it rolls out, and I will see you on the inside.

Free Bonus books when you sign up before the April 3rd start

Grow Your Own Food Quick Start Guide
by Self Reliant School

Gardening Planning and Planting Calculator
by Self Reliant School

Grow Your Own Food Workshop/

Have a great day and a wonderful and safe holiday weekend!

-- Catherine, The Herb Lady

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