Garden, Plant, Cook!

Saturday, August 25, 2018

More Herbs, Less Salt Day & Back To Basics eBundle Flash Sale!

Dear Folks,

More Herbs, Less Salt Day is Wednesday, August 29th.

Ahead of that is a special "Back To Basics" flash sale - August 25 - 27th.

More Herbs, Less Salt Day

Celebrating the taste, flavor and health of herbs, sometimes known as "Eat Healthy Day"

If you get into the habit of flavoring FIRST with herbs and spices you may find you need no salt or far less salt.  One of the best things is you can grow many of these herbs right in your own back yard.  Edible Landscaping at its core!

Herbs "lift" the flavor of foods, particularly starchy or bland foods, however wonderful they may be for you.

Think about it this way . . .  IF you HAD to eat chicken every day for a week, how could you make it taste wonderful each day, without adding heavy sauces or a lot of salt.

--Basil, lime, cracked black pepper
--Rosemary, garlic, cracked black pepper (or pepper flakes)
--poultry season: ginger, thyme, sage, rosemary, marjoram, black pepper
--French:  basil, fennel seed, Marjoram, Rosemary, Thyme, Lavender.

These combinations work nicely as seasoning for salads, soups, and stews.

Endless combinations to lift the flavor of your foods with far less or no salt.

Back to Basics eBundle Flash Sale!
Starts today!!

If you missed the Back to Basics eBundle sale in January, you have until 11:59 p.m. Monday August 27th, to purchase the bundle.

Back to Basics eBundle - Click Here.

My "Edible Landscaping In The Desert Southwest, Wheelbarrow to Plate" is included in the bundle.

The Bundle includes ebooks in categories like
Cooking From Scratch
Food Preservation
Growing Your Own Food
Saving Money
Natural Healing
...and more

53 Authors
59 eBooks, Courses and/or Videos


You also have the option of purchasing the eBundle as online AND on a flashdrive, or just the flashdrive.

This will be the last opportunity to get this wealth of garden, cooking, healthy life style and helpful information, all in ONE ebundle.

Click Here 

. . .

In the last two nights we received another 1.2 inches of rain - whooppeee.  Get to turn off the watering for another 4 days.

I hope your garden is lush with all this rain, and giving you great meal variety.

-- Catherine, The Herb Lady

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