Garden, Plant, Cook!

Friday, March 03, 2017

What's For Dinner? Vegetarian and Lent Friendly - Mostly From The Garden!

Dear Folks,

I was in the mood for a "pasta" dish last night.  Spiralizing is all the rage now for "pasta" but long shredded vegetables works great too.

The way I prepare these kind of meals is with these basics:

Fat - 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon depending on how much you are making - butter, olive or avocado oil, no-nitrate bacon fat (I sometimes make a mix of butter, bacon fat and oil - about a 1/3 each).

Water - about a 1/4 to 1 cup depending on how much you are making

Greens -- any nice mix you have shredded - to be used as a fresh, cool base or stirred in at the last minute.

Vegetables -- sweet potato, carrots, sweet peppers, zucchini or squash shredded on the large box hole side

Herbs -- dried or fresh (your choice) and chopped fresh onion and/or garlic

Protein -- Top with a fried egg or shredded cheese, or cubed tofu (for omnivores you can stir in your choice of chopped meat)

Sweet Potato / Carrot "Pasta"
Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian 

1/2 teaspoon each of organic butter and no-nitrate bacon fat

From the garden I used red romaine lettuce, red sales lettuce, nasturtium and sorrell leavesI'itoi onion (now naturalized in Arizona - a flavor similar to shallots), purple sweet potato (Molakai)

I shredded about 3/4 cup each of carrots and purple sweet potato.  Slivered up the greens and I'itoi onion.

1 tablespoon of my dried Mexican Oregano
Salt to taste

I shredded (with a smaller shredder) some Garlic, Black Pepper Cheddar (Arizona Cheese Company)


Heat the fats in a frying pan, add onion and stir for 1-2 minutes.  Add carrot and sweet potato and about 1/4 cup of water (to start you may need to add more), (add herbs now) cover and simmer on high, stirring occasionally.

I added about a tablespoon of my dried Mexican Oregano before I covered and gave it all a good stir and a dash of salt.

Add more water to keep from sticking but be careful not to add too much  -- you want all the water absorbed.  Cooking time total is 5-7 minutes.

Make a bed of the fresh greens, top with the cooked vegetables and add the shredded cheese.

The cheese makes it all creamy as it melts into the hot vegetables.

I hope this recipe gives you some ideas for making a vegetable type "pasta" or stew.

For a couple of other egg/vegetable dishes click here.

TWO PLANT SALES coming up!

Boyce Thompson Arboretum March 10-26 --

Desert Botanical Garden March 17 - 19 --

Have a great day in the garden and kitchen!

-- Catherine, The Herb Lady

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