We were all expecting to have the triple digits behind us by now, but this week will be an exception. The good news is we have had more rain this monsoon and more is expected the end of the week.
The plants can be invasive, so find a spot in your garden where you can keep it under control. The stalks can reach 7 feet + in height.
I plant a package of Red Onion Sets each fall, close together (3-4 inches apart), and harvest through out the late fall, winter and into spring and early summerwhen I want a green onion. Then later in late July or August I let the rest of them go to flower, and pull and air dry in the shade for storage onions, or I chop and sun dry for later use. (Pictured are the onions harvested, chopped and sun dried for storage.)
Blue Sage (Salvia azurea) has many names and while technically edible - it does not taste as good as the Garden or Bergarten sage we cook with - It is worth having in the garden for the brilliant neon blue flowers.
My beloved Dwarf Bird of Paradise is a plant I carted around for about 2 decades in a large pot until I found its happy spot in our garden. I started this plant from a seed approximately 1977. For the last several years she has bloomed reliably each fall, and had never bloomed before - so we look forward to this flush of color each year. (When I moved to Arizona from a 4-season climate I was fascinated with the idea of growing 'tropical' plants so I happened on the seed and decided to give it a try. It was a house plant for several years and then an outdoor plant for the last 3 decades.)
Upcoming Events
Two Events at the Boyce Thompson Arboretum are coming up the end of October and in November. Mark Your Calendars!
Herb Festival Saturday October 24
11:00 AM - 3:00 pm
"Herb is the word" during the final Saturday of October's annual Fall Plant Sale fundraiser and we'll have a variety of herbs available for purchase. This recurring Fall event is strategically scheduled for late October to take advantage of optimal herb planting time. Meet members of the Arizona Herb Association and browse items at their booth; learn about container gardening from Catherine 'The Herb Lady' Crowley, all beneath the shady grove of pistachio trees across from our Wing Memorial Herb Garden.
Arboretum Book Festival Saturday, November 21
I will be one of many authors there (Last year there were about 30 of us!)
Meet authors from across southern Arizona, writers from genres ranging from historical fiction and non-fiction, to mystery and suspense, memoir and children's books. Our Autumn foliage remains glorious in early December, here's a chance 'to meet the person behind the pen' and take home personalized holiday gifts for bookworms on your list. Plans for the day include readings by select authors, music; maybe even a writing workshop!
Bring cash for a tasty lunch in our picnic area - Chef Eric & Terri of Tall Order Catering will be grilling bratwursts for $4 each, burgers for $5 -- and vegetarian chili at $3-a-bowl (cash only). Visit our website in November for the agenda and list of participating authors, or call BTA 520. 689. 2723
I hope you can make one or both of these events!
-- Catherine, The Herb Lady
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